
Preparation for Padmasana (lotus pose) using elastic strap, blocks and bolster.

Getting into Padmasana -

requires both thighs to rotate outward, moving from the hip sockets.

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint with a circular range of motion.

If you do not have this range of movement,

don't force the legs into the full position,

it can injure the knees.

Use yoga equipment to support space in the joints and extension.


Preparatory Asanas to Padmasana.

Eka Pada Swastikasana


Ardha Baddha Paschimottanasna

Matsyasana - 1/2 padmasana or 1/2 swatikasana

Janu Sirsasana

Eka Pada Mulabhandasana

Baddha Konasana

Viparita Karani - 1/2 padmasana or 1/2 swatikasana

Change sides.



Pelvic Sling - How to use the yoga sling - Inversions


Chair - Preparation to Pranayama using a yoga chair & block