
Rope Wall - Part 3 - Standing Poses


Lower rope - back leg supported

Trikonasana -

top hand holding the top rope.

Parsvakonasana -

top hand holding the top rope.

Parsvottanasana -

hand on top of the chair

Parivrtta Trikonasana -

top hand holding the top rope.

Parivrtta Trikonasana -

top hand holding the lower rope.

Virabhadrasana I -

Holding the top rope



Improve circulation in the legs and pelvis

Increases strength and flexibility in the legs and spine

Helps improve balance

Supports the spine

Corrects spinal imbalances

Moves the body in all directions: forward, back, twist, lateral, inverts and balance.


Rope Wall - Part 2 - Inversions


Rope Wall - Part 4 - Balances.